Friday, November 13, 2009

Mostly Decorated

to the right of the 6 squares is the front door.

Ok so here is the house. I know i mentioned that i was not going to post till i am done, but i ran out of funds so this is what i got so far. I will take pics of the kitchen again once i get my new dinning table in tomorrow. I will keep posted.  The kitchen is actually a light lime green. very can't really tell with the pictures, i know it looks yellow.

  Next to the painting on the right that you can bearly see there will be like sconces or something to go with the painting.

  Well that is about it. more pictures later. bye!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Our little house!

We technically moved in Thursday Oct 29th when we got our keys. We did not officially move in with all of our stuff till the 31st. Wow we love having our own place. It is nice and peaceful and it is just the way we like it. What I love the most? I can cook again!!!! I think second to Interior Design habits I love to cook and like to think that I am a pretty darn good one :) Well the house is close to being done in the front room and in the kitchen...still needs some touches so I am not posting those pictures yet but I will post what it looked like when we just moved in. Oh and just a little treat...I painted a tree in the hall way. Enjoy.


Monday, November 2, 2009