Thursday, January 29, 2009


So Ry and I today went hiking. It was a lot of fun. We went to I guess it's part of South Mountain. It was a short one. We were able to make it to the top in an hour. Yes I know, it was a short hike. We are so out of shape, it was a good starter.

While we were hiking we found a little bag on the road that had a little bag of poop. Some one packed up the poop and then just left it on the road. People are so weird. (just in case you are wondering we pick it up and threw it away)

Another thing, once we got to the top every one behind us was coming up too. There was a good looking couple that was just a few min behind us. I must say...that girl was showing way too much. She was practically wearing some booty short underwear. I could see her butt hanging out. It was really inappropriate. The guy was not any better....he had his shirt off showing off the many tats he had. They are very interesting to say the least.

Well I guess that is about it. Have a fab day!


  1. You two are an ADORABLE couple!!! I sure miss you Sunny!!!! :o)

  2. COngrats on working out! I wanna get August hiking!

  3. Sunny!!! Of course being a Mia Maid mom counts!! :o) You can hang out with me ANYTIME!!!!!!!!!!! It makes me feel happy to know that you would want to!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. its just tape. then you paint over it, let it dry and then peel off! so neat huh!?

  5. Hiking is so nice in Arizona. I haven't done it in so long. I can't believe people actually left poop in a bag on the ground, GROSS!
