Friday, March 20, 2009


I know, I have been real lame and have not posted anything. Things are going just nothing HUGE by any means. So if you are interested you bear with me on this....I will type as I think so beware to get lost in thoughts. :)

Work is suprizingly turning around for some reason, I guess heavenly father thinks that I need to stay just a bit longer.

Freedom got a new crate. She does not like it very much because it is so different then her Kennel. We had to get her a new one becasue her Kennel is about 4 inches shorter then she is and she is so crammed in there.

Sara had baby Ellee and I love her. She is so sweet and holding her put me back on wanting one myself....those thoughts comes and goes...

I have bangs!!! Yeah no pictures for this post. I want to say half of my family does not like it and I am not sure even Ryan likes it.

Ryan and I went to the Desert Botanicle Garden with my family and it was so much fun. Gene my stepdad works there and he give us a tour and it was nice to see all the cool disply of glass with beautiful desert plants. Just incase you did not know, Gene actually writes poems and the Garden wants to publish a couple of his poems. In fact they are in the process of publishing a book full of poems that he has written in the past. I guess he is really good at it, most of the time I can't tell that I am hearing a poem.

Well that is all that I can think of for now, untill next time.

1 comment:

  1. Sunny.....I MISS YOUR FAMILY!!!! Tell them hello from Utah!!
